Terms of Service and Privacy


Copyright: Vantrue Connected, "Vantrue Connected" is an application for the dash cam. We collect, use, store and disclose your personal information in certain circumstances by law. The following terms describe how we collect, use, maintain and disclose your personal information.


1. Collection of Personal Information


1.1 Personal Information: We use, store, use and disclose personal information to bring you better services.


1.2 You can use the Vantrue Connected APP without a user account. However, if you wish to access more features within the application, you are encouraged to register and provide the necessary personal information.

You must commit and guarantee that: 

1.2.1 To achieve the service purpose of "Vantrue Connected", the personal information collected by "Vantrue Connected" through technical measures to analyze and improve the performance if there's APP abnormality. The essential information includes only the ID of your cell phone, MAC of your cell phone, basic information and usage time of the dash cam.


1.2.2 MAC sensitive information: we obtain the MAC address of the cell phone to make a unique distinction of cell phone information so as to collect the problem log of the APP and better analyze and modify the problem for a better user experience.


1.2.3 List of installed applications: We get the list of installed applications in order to achieve a better sharing experience by listing the applications on the phone that provide sharing function when users choose to share videos and photos.


1.3 User-Provided: Information provided by you will be kept confidential by "Vantrue Connected" under commercial obligations. With your consent, the App will provide you with version upgrades and other services.


1.4 Your Other Information: In order to facilitate your use of "Vantrue Connected", our servers may collect information about your phone, such as model number, device ID, device MAC address, Internet Protocol address, time and location of your access, routing packets, message sender and reception data (but not the information itself), and other similar information. We will use cookies and Uniform Resource Locator (URL)-like navigation data to collect information such as the time and date of your visit, searches and views.


2. Use of Personal Information


2.1 We will not use your information for any other purpose until this Privacy Policy is available or until the new Privacy Policy is complete. We will notify you first if we need to use your information.


2.2 Aggregated anonymous statistics are not personal user information as defined by "Vantrue Connected" and we will maintain and use such information for a variety of purposes, including, but not limited to, analysis and reporting usage patterns. The Application reserves the right to use and disclose aggregated anonymous statistics to third parties for any purpose or unilaterally.


3. Disclosure of Personal Information


3.1 Except for the limited disclosures outlined in this Privacy Policy, we will keep your personal information securely and will not disclose customer lists.


3.2 You hereby authorize us to disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent in the following circumstances.


3.2.1 if our disclosure of such information is necessary to identify, contact, or take a legal action that may cause damage to our rights or property, web users, or anyone else (including the rights and property of anyone else)


3.2.2 necessary for legal investigations.


3.2.3 where such disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal requirement or a subpoena or other writ issued by law enforcement authorities.


4. Usage Instructions for Permission Information in Vantrue Connected

The permissions required by the 'Vantrue Connected' Android App for utilizing its various functionalities.

Permission Name

Feature description.


Connecting devices, registering accounts, and viewing videos recorded by the devices.



Storing, reading, and downloading files.



Used for obtaining location information, implementing electronic fences, and allowing users to check if the device has exceeded set boundaries.




Realizing network positioning and connecting to devices, as well as identifying issues with the phone's network.



Reading the corresponding resource files on the mobile phone.


Used for troubleshooting connection issues with the phone's network.



Pushing urgent information to the user.



Ensuring that the application can receive messages from the server.


5. Security


4.1 The security of personal information is very important to us. We will take commercially reasonable efforts to keep your personal information as secure as possible and implement commercially reasonable procedures to restrict unauthorized access to use or disclosure of your personal information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you should be aware that Vantrue Connected is not completely immune from security risks associated with personal information.


5. You should assist us in protecting the security of your personal information. For example, do not disclose your password. 


6. Collection and use of personal information of youth:


6.1 We recommend that minors under the age of 18 use the Application with the permission and guidance of their legal guardians.


6.2 The Application will not use the personal information of minors and will not disclose identifiable information to any third party, and the guardian has the right to refuse the Application to further collect the personal information of the youth or to request the Application to delete the personal information of youth.


7. Amendments to this Privacy Policy.


7.1 This Privacy Policy allows for adjustments, and if we make any material changes, we will notify you via the email address you provide, or through a posting on the Website.


7.2 Emails sent by us containing notice of such changes will undoubtedly form an effective part of privacy term. If you do not want us to change our use of your personal information, you must notify us earlier than you expect to stop using our account. Your continued use of "Vantrue Connected" will be deemed to be your knowledge of and agreement to be bound by the terms of such notice of the change.


8. Vantrue Connected reserves the right of final interpretation of the above terms and conditions.