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Customer Review
check the USBReviewed in the United States on December 25, 2018
Update: just under a year with this camera and I had a road rage event where someone got out of their car, attacked my car, and then pulled a gun on me. I thought this camera was recording, so I pointed it at his face, and pointed it at his license and fled the scene intending to call the cops and hand over my footage. I did not remember his license or anything actionable, I fled. The footage was supposed to be my backup. There was no footage. The file, as well as all files under 2gb in size were completely corrupted.I decided to pick this up due to many positive reviews. This dash camera does meet my expectations, but just barely. It doesn't do a lot to impress, but it does do what it should. The video quality is good, I'm trying out the 2k option now. I wish it had more recording options for inside and outside.Where this really failed in my opinion, and why I knocked it down a star is the USB. It uses the old mini USB plug instead of the new micro USB plug. Now this is not a huge problem, but I don't own a long cable for mini USB and the included cable is ~50cm, or nowhere near long enough. So the camera sat around for a week while I waited for amazon to ship a new cable. I figured since I had to buy a new cable anyway I might as well get the official car fuse cable. I did not find a suitable always on fuse, but I didn't search long before I just assumed I didn't need the always on watching while parked feature anyway.Some of you may be saying, "but what about the included cigarette lighter converter?" and my answer is simple, "I only have one!". Had they used the common standard USB I would not have had to make any additional purchase. As is it though, I would need to purchase a new USB cable, a car lighter y-splitter, or their optional car fuse to USB plug, and some kind of additional purchase was required.