A Detailed Look At The best Taxi/Uber Camera I have usedReviewed in the United States on September 1, 2017
The N2 Pro is a Taxi style camera that allows the driver to record both in the cabin as well as out the front window. Lets take an in-depth look. Package wise the camera came shrink wrapped and well packed in a nice professional looking box. Once opened inside includes a nice full color 18 page English side manual, along with a quick start, register, and chance to win a GPS mount. Out of the package the camera has both a screen and front lens cover that need to be removed before using although there does not seem to be a lens cover on the rear facing camera.Along with the camera comes a suction cup mount. The mount feels rather light, and looks a little different then the GPS mount listed in their store front so it seems it is the Non-GPS bracket. You also get a rather long USB Mini B to car socket lead that features an extra USB port built into the end of the car socket side. This keeps the camera from hogging up your car socket. Lastly you get a shorter regular Mini B cable to go from the camera to a wall outlet or power bank. The manual mentions to plug the camera in to a power source and charge it for two hours before first use.Next the manual mentions that it accepts 16GB -64GB class 10 cards and before using a 64GB card to format it in a PC first to FAT32 format. I will be testing using a Sony brand class 10 64GB card. Windows will not nativity format anything larger then 32GB to FAT32 so you must use a program to do so. There seem to be quite a few around. Ubuntu Linux has GParted.After I had done this the camera came up SD Card Error after booting. So I formatted the card in the camera and the error went away.After all that I put the card into the camera. At first i took the whole little door off, but after putting the card in i realized that the little door actually pops up and rotates. A nice little design they put in there so I don't loose the door. Now that the card is in (teeth towards the screen way) while the camera is charging lets take a look at the software side.After booting up press the M on the bottom to get into the menu. Once there we have separate sections for Recording, System, GPS, and Files. It took a little getting used to since the menu M button is on the bottom, the OK is on the front, and the menu arrows are on the bottom, but it was not too bad.Starting in the settings menu we have the usual. My camera came set in English, but Language is the first option, and English is the top choice if anyone else happens to need it. skipping some here . Auto LCD Off has 1,3,5 Min and off. I am always glad to see a camera feature a 1Min LCD Off setting. The camera also has non-use auto off, and as I have been sitting here typing this the camera has turned itself off. So it does work. Frequency of course has 50 and 60Hz. In the USA you will want to set this to 60, and lastly the version my camera came shipped with is VTN2Pro7G.v1, but after writing and editing my notes I have updated it. The camera is now on VTN2Pro7H.V3On the Recording menu we have 1080P+1080P if you want to use both the front and back camera, or you could run the front camera only in 1080@60,1296 or, 1440P . Loop choices are 1,3,5 min. If you set it to off the camera will stop recording once the card is full G sensor was set to High. I usually turn this off to avoid the video being locked from hitting a bump or pot hole in the road. Number Plate allows 9 spaces to type what ever you would like to have written on your videos. (car's plate YouTube ID ect) Stamp allows you to independently turn on or off the Date and Time, Logo, Number, Speed, and GPS stamping. This is the first camera I have seen that allows you to turn off the Logo branding on the video rather nice to see this.You can also rotate the display, and to round out the features you can set a time lapseIn the GPS settings the GPS it self can be turned on or off, and the units can be displayed as MPH or KMH. Lastly menu wise we have the Files menu. This then lets you see videos by type or all at once, and seems very nicely organized.While running the camera furring recording when the power button is tapped it will toggle the IR LEDs on the rear camera off, auto, and on. This is one of the few cameras I have come across where the LEDs are actually useful as most with IR LEDs on the front just cause reflection on the windscreen. My only downside with the camera so far is that the rear camera can only rotate a little up and down. I was hoping to be able to get it to rotate and face the front to get a super wide view, but this is not possible.When it comes to file structure things are stored in a DCIM folder on the card and then broken down to Normal, Event, and Photo. The files names are the date and time, and then the front camera ends in A and the rear in B. The front camera is 12Mb video with 97Kb Mono audio. The rear camera comes in at 11Mb video and 96Kb Mono audio. Not as high of a bitrate as I would like, but understandable since both lens are in the same housing. I would like to see it bumped up to 15Mb if possible. At the current bitrate according to the Recording Time Calculator on DashCamTalk you can hold roughly 12 hours of recording time dividing that in half you are looking at 6 hours per camera before the card overwrites.File size for a three min clip comes in at 265MbI only have a few small cons for this camera. When I first got the camera videos seems to have a bit of a blue tint to them. This seems to have been fixed in the most new firmware. My second con is the mount. You can plug the USB Cable into the camera and the mount, but the way the cord plugs into the mount can make it hard to take the whole mount off and on without unplugging first. I get around this by plugging directly into the camera.Overall though I think this is a pretty good camera. It is a camera to strongly consider if you are a Taxi, Uber, or Lyft driver. It can also been a good camera for people who rent or went out cars as well as a parent looking to make sure their teen driver is paying attention and not distracted with texting or talking behind the wheel.