DON'T BUY. The battery died after 1 year, the data will be constantly overwritten due to thisReviewed in the United States on May 14, 2020
I bought this cam 1 year ago, it looks a promising dashcam and features dual cam which I love. The picture is good. and I mounted on the back window to record the accident from the back. I was testing it for a couple of days and it performs just as I expected.However, there are 2 major design issues got me frustrated.1. Battery died after 1 year usage, so the system does not store the correct date, then the new record with the same file name will be overwritten immediately.Recently I take it off and check how many days record it can store, I found there are only a few and they all recorded on 01/01/2018. Supposedly there should be records at least for days. I tested it then found the battery has died.So here is how it works. If the battery died, the system won't store the correct date and time, every time when it got powered, the date will be reset to 01/01/2018 00:00:00. The cam using date and time as the file name, that being said, every time you power the car and the clip is named with this date and time, and it keeps overwrite the file with same name. By the end of the day, there is only a couple of file on the card all named with 01012018 + time. The 01/01/2018 00:00:00 one got overwrite most. So now this cam is no use to me.2. Suction mount getting loose and your camera will drop.The reason I found the 1st issue is because recently the suction mount getting loose in the hot days. There is some air between the pad and the window glass. Don't get me wrong, it was tight when I mount it, but the way they design the mount will give a constant pulling force in the center and over days the pad getting uneven in the center. So no matter how hard you push the pad onto the glass, there is some air that will be heated up then the airtight is gone.I can't imagine if and accident happened and it drops off then when I want to check the file, it only has a record named as 01/01/2018.